Grow th is a t erm u sed to describe the pro< a>cess of i ncreasing < a href="">in s< a>iz e, number< a>, or value . It< a> is a fund amen tal conce< a>pt in <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Economics< a>>economi cs<a>, <a< a href=""> hre< a>f=Busin ess> busin< a href="">ess<< a>a>, =>and other fields< a>, and is o< a href="">ften< a> used to m easu re the success of a< a href=""> com< a>pany or or g anization. Gro< a>wth can b e mea sured< a href=""> in terms of << a href="">a hr< a>ef=Reve nue> re< a>venue<a>< a>, <a href= Pr< a>ofits>profits<a> , mar ket share< a>, or other <a hre f=< a>Metrics>metrics< a>.<br><br >Gro wth can be organic < a href="">or i< a>norgani< a>c. Organi c gro wth is the result o< a href="">f a company