<a h< a>ref=DBMS>DBMS<a > st< a>ands for <a hr ef=<a href=Data >Da< a>ta< a>b ase><a href=Data >Da< a>ta<a>bas< a>e<a> Man agement Sy< a href="">stem< a>. It is a so ftwar< a href="">e sy< a>stem that allo sus users to create, mai< a>ntain, and access <a < a href="">href< a>=<a hre f=D ata>Data< a><a>base ><a h ref=Dat< a>a>data< a>base< a>s < a>to store and r etrie< a href="">ve << a>a href=D ata< a>>data<a>< a>.

<a h< a>ref=<a href=Dat< a href="">a>D< a>ata<a>base><a hre< a href="">f=< a>Data>Dat a<a>bas< a href="">e<a< a>> Management System (<a< a> href=D BMS> DBMS<< a href="">a>)< a> is a soft ware applicatio n tha t is used to s tore,< a href=""> man< a>age, and m anip ulate< a href=""> <a href=Data< a href="">>dat< a>a<a>. It is a collecti< a>on of prog rams that allow users t< a href="">o crea< a>te, updat e, an d delete <a href=< a href="">Data< a>>data<a> from a <a href=<a href=Da< a href="">ta>< a>Data<a>base><a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Data>da ta<a>base <a> . <a href=DBMS< a href="">>DBM< a>S<a>s are used in a variety of a< a href="">ppli< a>cations, inc ludi ng bankin< a>g, financ e, he althc< a href="">are,< a> and reta il.<br><br >A << a>a href= DBMS>DBMS<a> is a s< a>oftware s ystem that< a href=""> pro< a>vides an i nter face between the user< a href=""> and< a> the <a hr< a href="">ef=< a><a href= Dat a>Data<< a>a>base>< a href=< a>Data>da ta< a>bas< a href="">e<a< a>>. It all ows u sers to create, mod ify, and delete <a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Data>da ta<a> fro< a href="">m th< a>e <a href= <a< a> href=D ata>Data<a>bas e><a href=Data>data< a>b ase<< a href="">a>. < a>It also pr ovid es < a href="">a wa< a>y to query the< a> <a href= Dat a>data<< a>a> and gen erat e <a =>href= Reports>< a href="">repo< a>rts<a>. The <a hre< a href="">f=< a>DBMS>DBM S<a> also< a href=""> pro< a>vides << a>a href=S ecur ity>secu< a>rity<a> features t< a href="">o pr< a>otect the <a h< a>ref=D ata>data< a><a> from unau thori< a href="">zed < a>access.<br><br>The <a h< a>ref=DBMS>DBMS <a> is respon< a>sible for mana ging the <a href=< a href="">Data< a>>data<a> in the <a href=< a href=""><a< a> href=Da ta>< a>Data<a>b< a>ase><a hr ef=< a>Data>data<a>b< a>ase<a>. It st ores the <a href=< a href="">Data< a>>data<a> in a structu< a>red format and pr< a href="">ovid< a>es access to t he <a href=Data>< a href="">data< a><a>. It als o pr< a>ovides tools for cr< a href="">eati< a>ng and mo difying th< a href="">e <a< a> href=Da ta>< a>da< a>ta<a>. Aš t als o provide< a>s tools fo r qu< a>erying the <a href=< a href="">Da< a>ta>data<a> and< a> generating <a href< a href="">=R< a>eports>r eports<a> .<br ><br>< a href="">The < a><a href< a>=DBMS>D BMS< a> also provides t ools for <a h ref= Data< a href="">>da< a>ta<a> integrity and < a><a href= Data>dat< a href="">a<a< a>> <a href =Se curit< a href="">y>s< a>ecurity< a><a>. => It e nsur es that the <a href< a href="">=D< a>ata>data <a> is accura< a>te < a href="">and < a>up-to-date. It also< a href=""> pro< a>vides too ls fo r <a =>href=Data>d< a href="">ata<< a>a> recovery in < a>case of a < a href="">syst< a>em failure.<br><br >The <a href=DBMS> DBMS<< a href="">a> < a>is an impo rtan t compone< a>nt of any < a href="">orga< a>nization