No c< a>omma-sepa< a>rated str ing o f persona< a>l names ca n be< a> extracted from this as it does not< a href=""> con< a>tain any n ames . Therefo< a>re, it is < a href="">not < a>possible to answer th< a href="">e qu< a>estion of who < a>is it.

No c< a>omma-sepa< a>rated str ing o f persona< a>l names ca n be< a> extracted from this as it is not a sentence or p< a href="">hras< a>e. It is s impl y a string of words without an y pu< a>nctuation< a> or contex t. T< a>herefore,< a> it is not< a href=""> pos< a>sib le t< a>o determine who the< a href=""> nam< a>es refer t o or< a> what the stri ng of words means.