Data Structur< a>e is a way< a href=""> of organizin g dat a in a co mputer so that< a> i t can be used <a href=Efficien t>ef ficie< a href="">nt<< a>a>ly. It involves t< a href="">he sel ection, or< a href="">gani< a>zation, and <a href< a href="">=M< a>anipulation>manipu lati on<a> of data to< a href=""> mak< a>e it easie r to< a> <a href= Acc ess>acce< a>ss<a>, m odi< a href="">fy, < a>and store .

Data structur< a>e is a way< a href=""> of organizin g dat a in a co mputer sys< a href="">tem < a>so that it can b e used <a href=Ef< a href="">fici< a>ent>efficient<a> ly. I t is a collection of < a href="">data< a> values, the r elati< a href="">onsh< a>ips among them, and< a href=""> the< a> functi< a>ons or ope rati ons that can be app< a href="">lied< a> to the da ta. < a>Data struct< a>ures are u sed < a>to store, organize, and< a> manipulate data in< a href=""> a computer sys tem.<br><b r>Da ta struct< a>ures are u sed < a>to represent real-w orld object< a>s, such as a p< a>erson, a c ar, < a>or a hous e. Th ey are also used to< a href=""> < a>represent abstract < a href="">conc< a>epts, such as a list, a queue, or< a href=""> a tree. Data s tructures < a href="">are < a>used to st ore < a>data in a way < a>that is < a hre f=Efficie< a>nt>effic ient<a> a< a href="">nd e< a>asy to <a < a href="">href< a>=Access>access< a>.< br>< a href=""><br>< a>Data structures are use< a>d to stor e dat a in a wa y tha t is <a h re< a>f=Efficient>effi cien t<a>< a href=""> and< a> easy to << a href="">a hr< a>ef=Acce ss>a ccess< a href="">< a>. They are used t< a href="">o re< a>present d ata i n a way t hat i s easy to understand< a> and manip ulat e. Data structures are < a>used to s tore data in a wa y th< a>at is <a h ref= Efficie< a>nt>effic ient<a> a< a href="">nd e< a>asy to <a < a href="">href< a>=Access>a cces s<a>< a href="">. Th< a>ey are use d to< a> represent data in a way that is ea< a href="">sy t< a>o underst and a nd manipu< a>late.<br><br>Data s truc tures< a href=""> are< a> used to store da< a href="">ta i< a>n a way th< a href="">at i< a>s <a href= Ef< a>ficient>efficient <a< a href="">> an< a>d easy to < a href=""><a h< a>ref=Acc ess> acces< a href="">s<a< a>>. They a re us ed to represent data < a href="">in a< a> way that < a href="">is e< a>asy to und erst and and manipulate . Dat a stru ctures are< a href=""> use< a>d to store dat< a>a in a way tha< a>t is <a hr ef=< a>Efficient>efficien t<a> and easy< a> to <a hre< a href="">f=< a>Access>a ccess<a>. The< a>y are used to rep< a href="">rese< a>nt data i n a w< a>ay that i s eas y to understand and < a>manipulate.<br><br >Data stru< a href="">ctur< a>es are us ed to store data in a way that is < a href=Efficient >eff icien< a href="">t<a< a>> and eas y to < a><a href= Access< a>>access< a>. They are used to re< a href="">pres< a>ent data in a < a>way that is < a href="">easy< a> to under stand and mani< a>pulate. D ata s truct< a href="">ures< a> are used to s< a>to< a>re data i n a w< a>ay that i s <a < a>href=Efficient>e ffic ient<< a href="">a> < a>and easy to < a href=""><a h< a>ref=Acc ess> acces< a href="">s<a< a>>. They a re us ed to represent dat a in a way that is easy to und< a href="">erst< a>and and m anipulate. <br> <br>D< a href="">ata < a>str uctu res are used to sto< a href="">re d< a>ata in a w< a href="">ay t< a>hat is <a < a href="">href< a>=Efficien< a>t>efficient<a> an d ea< a>sy to <a h ref= Access>access< a>. T hey are used< a href=""> to represent data in a way that is easy to un derst< a href="">and < a>and manipul< a>ate. Data stru cture< a href="">s ar< a>e used to < a href="">stor< a>e data in a wa< a>y that is < a hre f=Effic< a>ient>eff icient<a> and< a> easy to < a hr< a>ef=Access>access<a>. T hey < a>are used to re prese< a href="">nt d< a>ata in a w< a href="">ay t< a>hat is eas y to< a> under stand and mani< a>pulate.<br><br>Dat a str uctur< a href="">es a< a>re used to sto< a>re data< a> in a way that< a> is <a hre< a href="">f=< a>Efficient>efficien t<a > and easy t o <a< a> href=A ccess>acc< a href="">ess<< a>a>. =>They are used to represent d ata < a>in< a> a way tha< a href="">t is< a> easy to u< a href="">nder< a>stand and manipulat e. D< a>ata structures are u sed t o store data in a way that is <a href< a>=Effici ent> effic< a href="">ient<< a>a> and eas y to< a> <a href= Acc ess>acce< a>ss<a>. T hey a re used to r< a href="">epre< a>sent data in a way that is e asy to understand a nd m< a>anipulate< a>.<< a>br><br>Da< a>ta struct ures are used to store d< a href="">ata < a>in a way t< a href="">hat < a>is <a href=< a>Efficie nt>e ffici< a href="">ent<< a>a> and e asy t o <a =>href=Access< a href="">>acc< a>ess<a>< a>. They are use< a>d to repr esent data< a href=""> in a way that< a href=""> is easy to un< a href="">de rsta nd and manipulate. Data structur< a>es are use d to< a> store da ta in a way that is < a href=Efficient >eff icien< a href="">t<a< a>> and eas y to < a><a href=A ccess>acc< a href="">ess<< a>a>. =>They are used to represent d ata < a>in a way t hat is easy to under< a>stand and mani pulat< a href="">e.<b< a>r><br>Dat< a>a structu res a re used to store data in a way that is <a href=Effic ient >efficie< a>nt< a><a> =>and easy to <a href=Access >ac< a>cess<a>.< a> They are < a href="">used< a> to represe nt da ta in a w ay th at is easy to under< a href="">stan< a>d and man ipulate. D< a href="">ata structures a re u< a>sed to st ore d ata in a su ay t hat is <a href=Ef< a href="">f icient>ef< a href="">fici< a>ent<a> and easy to< a href=""> <a href=Acc ess< a>>access<< a>a>. The< a>y are used to < a>represent data in a way that is easy to underst and < a>and ma nipulate.< br>< br>Da< a href="">ta s< a>tructures are used to store data < a href="">in a< a> way that is <a href=< a>Efficie nt>e ffici< a href="">ent<< a>a> and e a