Fina ncial< a href=""> Mod< a>eling is t he p< a>rocess of creating < a href="">a su< a>mmary of a com< a>pa nys <a h ref= Fina< a href="">ncia< a>l_Perform< a>ance>fin ancial per< a href="">form< a>ance<a> using ma them atica< a href="">l eq< a>uations. It is used to forecast a< a href=""> com< a>panys fut ure <a href=Fi< a href="">nanc< a>ial_Perfo< a>rmance>f inancial p< a href="">erfo< a>rmance<a< a>> and to< a href=""> ana< a>lyze diff erent scen< a href="">ario< a>s for dec ision maki< a href="">ng p< a>urposes.

Fina ncial< a href=""> Mod< a>eling is a pro< a>cess of c reating a math< a>ematical represe ntati< a href="">on o< a>f a financ ial < a>situation< a> or system . It< a> is used t o an< a>alyze the potential i mpac t of certain decisi ons < a>and to fo recast the< a href=""> fut< a>ure per< a>formance of a compa< a href="">ny o< a>r industr y. Fi nanci< a href="">al m< a>odels are used t o evaluat< a>e the <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Financial_Perfor mance>fin< a href="">anci< a>al performance<a> of a compan< a>y, to asse ss t< a>he value of a < a>company, to assess < a href="">the risk of a compan< a>y, and to < a href="">make< a> decisions about in< a href="">vest< a>ments.<br< a>><< a>br>Financial models are< a> typically created < a href="">usin< a>g a combi nation of <a hre f=S pread< a href="">shee< a>t_Softwar< a>e>spread sheet soft< a href="">ware< a><a>, such as Microso< a>ft Excel, and < a><a href= Specializ ed_S oftwa< a href="">re>< a>specialized softw< a href="">are<< a>a>, =>such as O racle< a href=""> Hyp< a>erion or S AS. < a>Financial< a> models ar e us< a>ed< a> to analy ze th e <a =>href=Financi al_P erfor< a href="">manc< a>e>financial perfor mance< a> o f a company, to ass< a href="">ess < a>the value of a< a> company, to a ssess< a href=""> the risk of a compa< a>ny, and to mak< a>e decisions about i< a href="">nves< a>tments.<b< a>r><br>Finan cial model< a href="">s ar< a>e used to < a href="">anal< a>yze the < a hre f=Finan< a>cial_Perform ance >financi< a>al perfor mance<a> < a href="">of a< a> company, to a< a>ssess the value of a compa< a href="">ny, < a>to assess the < a>risk of a comp any, and to make de< a href="">ci sion s about investment s. Fi nanci< a href="">al m< a>odels are used to analyze the <a href=Financia l_Performa nce< a>>financia< a>l perform ance<a> o< a href="">f a company, to asses< a href="">s th< a>e value of a c< a>ompany, t o ass ess the risk of a company< a>, and to m< a href="">ake < a>decisions about inv< a href="">estm< a>ents. Financial mod els < a>ar< a>e used to < a href="">anal< a>yze the < a hre f=Finan< a>cial_Performance>f inan cial perform ance <a> of a company, < a href="">to a< a>ssess the valu e of a co mpany, to assess< a> the risk < a href="">of a< a> company, and < a>to make d ecisions a< a href="">bout< a> investment s.<br><br> Fina ncial< a href=""> mod< a>els are us ed t< a>o analyze the <a href=Financ ial_P< a href="">erfo< a>rmance>financial p erfo rmanc< a href="">e<a< a>> of a com pany , to =>assess the value of a< a href=""> com< a>pany, to a sses s the risk of a company< a>, and to m< a href="">ak< a href="">e de< a>cisions a bout inves< a href="">tmen< a>ts. Financial model s ar< a>e used to anal yz< a>e the <a h ref= Financi< a>al_Performance>fin anci al perfor< a>mance<a> of a co< a href="">mpan< a>y, to ass ess t he value of a compa< a href="">ny, < a>to assess the < a>risk of a c ompany, an< a href="">d to< a> make deci sion s about investment s. Fi nanci< a href="">al m< a>odels are us< a href="">ed t< a>o analyze the < a><a href= Financial _Per forma< a href="">nce< a>>financ ial perfo< a>rmance<a> of a company< a>, to asses s th< a>e value o f a c< a>ompany, to assess the< a href=""> ris< a>k of a com< a href="">pany< a>, and to m ake < a>decisions< a> about inv es tmen ts.<b< a href="">r><b< a>r>Financi< a>al models are < a>used to a nalyze the< a href=""> <a href=< a>Financial< a>_Performance>finan cial performa< a>nce<a> o f a c< a>ompany, to assess the valu< a href="">e of< a> a company , to< a> assess t he ri sk of a c ompany, an< a href="">d to make decisi ons < a>about investments. Fina ncial< a href=""> mod< a>els are us ed t< a>o < a>analyze t he <a href=Financial_ Performanc e>f< a>inancial performan ce<a> o< a href="">f a company, t o as< a>sess the value of a company, to a< a href="">sses< a>s the risk of a compa< a href="">ny, < a>and to mak e de< a>cisions about inves tmen ts. Finan< a>ci al mo dels are used to an< a href="">alyz< a>e the <a h ref= Financi< a>al_Performance>< a>financial< a> performa nce<a> of< a href=""> a company, to ass< a>ess the v alue of a compan< a>y, to asse ss t< a>he risk o f a c< a>ompany, and to make< a href=""> dec< a>isions ab out< a href=""> inv< a>estments.<br><br>F inancial m< a href="">odel< a>s are use d to < a>analyze the <a h< a>ref=Financial_Pe rformance< a href="">>fin< a>ancial performance <a> of a company, to < a href="">asse< a>ss the va lue o f a company, to ass< a href="">ess < a>the risk o f a < a>company, and to make deci< a>sions abo ut in vestm< a href="">ents< a>. Financial models < a href="">are < a>used to anal< a href="">yze < a>the <a hre f=< a>Financial< a>_Performance>finan cial perfor mance< a href=""><a>< a> of a comp any, to assess the valu< a href="">e of< a> a company , to< a> assess the risk of a company, and < a href="">to m< a>ake decis ions about< a href=""> inv< a>estments. Fi nanc ial model< a>s are used to < a>analyze t he <a href=Financial_ Perform< a>ance>financial per form ance<< a href="">a> < a>of a compa ny, < a>to assess the value< a href=""> of a c ompa ny, to assess the r< a href="">isk < a>of a compa ny, < a>and to ma ke de cisio< a href="">ns about investm ents .<br>< a href=""><br>< a>Financial< a> models ar e us< a>ed to ana lyze th< a>e <a href= Fi< a>nancial_P< a>erformance>financi al p< a>erformanc< a>e<a> of a compan y, t< a>o assess the v alue of a company, < a href="">to a< a>ssess the risk of a compa< a>ny, and to mak< a>e decisions about i< a href="">nves< a>tments. Fina