This text does not cont< a href="">ain < a>any names , so < a>no comma-separated stri ng of personal names < a href="">can < a>be extrac ted f rom it.

This text does not cont< a href="">ain < a>any comma -separated str< a>ings of p ersonal names. Instead, it is < a>a general stat ement< a href=""> abo< a>ut the lac k of< a> such strin< a>gs in the < a href="">text< a>.<br><br>< a>The abili ty to extract personal n ames fr om t< a>ext is a u sefu l tool for many app< a href="">lica< a>tions. For example, it < a>ca n be used to i denti< a href="">fy p< a>eople in a doc< a>ument, to search fo< a href="">r in< a>formation about a per< a href="">son,< a> or to cre ate < a>a list of cont acts.< a href=""> How< a>ever, ext rac ting personal< a> names fro m te< a>xt is not alwa ys straig< a>htforward.<br><b r>In gene< a>ral, pers onal names< a href=""> are< a> not writt en i< a>n a consi stent form< a href="">at. For example, a p< a>erson