Line ar relati< a>onship is a ty< a>pe of rel ationship < a href="">betw< a>een two v ariable s in which one vari< a href="">able< a> is direc tly p ropor< a href="">tion< a>al to the othe r. This means that wh< a href="">en o< a>ne variab le in creas< a href="">es, < a>the other vari able also< a> in crea ses, and when one v< a href="">aria< a>ble decreases, the < a href="">othe< a>r variable also decre< a href="">ases< a>. Linear relationsh ips < a>can be fo und i n many areas of lif< a href="">e, including <a < a href="">href< a>=Economics>econo mics <a>,< a href=""> <a href=Phy sics >physi< a>cs<a>, a nd <a href=Mathematic s>ma thema< a href="">tics< a><a>.<br>< a><br>In << a href="">a hr< a>ef=Econ omics>eco< a href="">nomi< a>cs<a>, linear rela tion ships< a href=""> are< a> often used to de< a href="">scri< a>be the re lationship bet< a>ween two variables, suc< a>h as the pri ce o< a>f a good a nd t< a>he quantity of that< a href=""> goo< a>d that is < a href="">dema< a>nded. This type of re< a href="">lati< a>onship is known as the demand cur ve, < a>and it sh ows how the quan< a>tity of a < a href="">good< a> that is d eman ded chang< a>es as the < a href="">pric< a>e of th e go< a>od changes.<br><br >In < a href=Physics>p hysi cs<a< a href="">>, l< a>inear relationsh ips a re often used to de< a href="">scri< a>be the re lationship bet< a>wee n tw< a>o variables, such a< a href="">s th< a>e force ap plie d to an o bject and the ac celer< a href="">atio< a>n of the o bjec t. This type of rel< a href="">atio< a>nship is known as Newton