<a h< a>ref=Small_Busine sses >Smal< a href="">l bu< a>sinesses<a> are in< a href="">depe< a>ndently< a> owned and ope< a>rated companies wit h fe< a>wer than 500 e mploy< a href="">ees.< a> They are t ypically p< a href="">riva< a>tely owned and oper< a href="">ated< a>, and pro vide goods< a href=""> and< a> servic< a>es to thei r lo< a>cal communities.

<a h< a>ref=Small_Busine sses >Smal< a href="">l bu< a>sinesses<a> are bu< a href="">sine< a>sses th< a>at are ind epen dentl< a href="">y ow< a>ned and op erat ed, with fewer than 500< a> employees. They are the backbone o f th< a>e American economy, acc< a>ounting for more< a> than half of < a>all jobs i n th< a>e United States. <a< a href=""> hre< a>f=Small _Businesses >Sma ll busine< a>sses<a> are t ypica< a href="">lly < a>owned and oper ated by one or two people, and< a> are ofte n fam ily-r< a href="">un. < a>They are t ypic ally charac< a>terized b y the ir small size, <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Limited_Resource s>li mit< a href="">ed r< a>esources<a>, and l< a href="">imit< a>ed access to c apita< a href="">l.<b< a>r><br><a href=< a>Small_Businesses>S mall business< a>es<a> ar e oft en the first step f< a href="">or <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Entrepreneurs>en trep reneu< a href="">rs<< a>a> looking to start< a href=""> the< a>ir own business. They are typically star ted < a>with <a h ref= Limi< a href="">ted_< a>Res< a href="">ourc< a>es>limited resourc es< a>, and often requi re t< a>he owner to we ar< a> many hats . <a< a> href=S mall_Busin esse s>Small businesse s<a> are often t< a href="">he f< a>irst step for < a><a href= Entrepren eurs >entrepr< a>eneurs<a> looki< a>ng to star t th< a>eir own b usiness. T< a href="">hey < a>are typic ally start< a href="">ed w< a>ith< a href=""> <a href=Lim ited _Reso< a href="">urce< a>s>limited resource s<a >, and often require the o< a href="">wner< a> to wear m any < a>hats.<br>< a><br><a hr ef= Small< a href="">_Bus< a>inesses>Sma< a href="">ll b< a>usinesses<a> are o< a href="">ften< a> the firs t ste p for <a href=Ent< a href="">repren< a>eurs>ent repreneurs <a> looking to start t< a href="">heir< a> own busi ness. They are typical ly s< a>tarted with <a href< a href="">=L< a>imited_Resources>l imit ed reso urces< a href=""><a>< a>, and oft en re quire< a href=""> the< a> owner to < a href="">wear< a> many hat s. <a href=< a href="">Sma< a>ll_Busine< a>sses>Sma ll bu sines< a href="">ses<< a>a> are o ften the first< a> step for <a href< a href="">=E< a>ntrepreneurs>entre pren eurs<< a href="">a> < a>looking t o sta rt thei< a>r own busi ness . They are typicall y st< a>arted with <a href=< a href="">Li< a>mi ted_Resour ces< a>>limited resources <a>, and ofte< a>n require the < a>owner t o wear many hats.<b r><b r><a href< a>=Small_ Businesses >Sm< a>all businesses<a> are oft< a href="">en t< a>he first s tep < a>for <a hr ef= Entre< a href="">pren< a>eurs>entreprene< a>urs<a> l ooking to star< a>t their ow n bu< a>siness. They are ty< a href="">pica< a>ll y sta rted with< a> <a href=< a href="">Lim< a>ited_Reso< a>urces>li mited reso< a href="">urce< a>s<a>, < a>and often require t< a href="">he o< a>wner to we ar m< a>any hats. <a h ref=Sma< a>ll_Businesses>Small < a href="">busi< a>nesses<a< a>> are ofte n th< a>e first s tep f or <a href=Ent< a>repreneurs>entrepr eneu rs<a< a href="">> lo< a>oking to s tart their own busine ss. < a>They are typically < a href="">star< a>ted with <a hr ef=Limi< a>ted_Resources>l< a>imited re sources<a >, a< a>nd often require th< a href="">e ow< a>ner to wea r ma< a>ny hats.<br><br><a hr ef=< a>Small_Bu< a>sinesses >Small bus< a href="">ines< a>ses<a> are often the first ste< a href="">p fo< a>r <a href= En< a>trepreneu< a>rs>entre preneurs< a> l< a>ook< a href="">ing < a>to start t heir own business. They are< a> typically started < a href="">with< a> << a>a href= Limited_Re sour ces>limi< a>ted resou rces<a>, < a href="">and < a>often req uire the own< a>er to wea r man y hats. <a href=S< a href="">mall< a>_Business< a>es>Small busine< a>sses<a> are o ften the first step for< a> <a href= Ent repre< a href="">neur< a>s>entr< a>epreneurs<a> looki ng t< a>o start t heir own busin< a>ess. They are < a>ty< a>pically s tarted wit< a href="">h <a< a> href=Li mite d_Res< a href="">ourc< a>es>limited resourc es<a>, and< a> often re quire the owne< a>r to wear < a href="">many< a> hats.<br><br><a hr ef=Small_Busi nesses>Sm< a href="">all < a>businesses<a> are < a href="">ofte< a>n the fir st st ep < a href="">for < a><a href= Entr epren< a href="">eurs< a>>entrepreneurs<a > loo king to start their own bu< a href="">sine< a>ss. They are t ypica< a href="">lly < a>started w ith < a href=Limited_Reso urce s>limite< a>d resourc es<a>, an< a href="">d of< a>ten requi re th e owner to wear many hats. <a < a>href=Sm all_Busine sses >Small businesses <a> are often the fir< a href="">st s< a>tep for <a hre< a>f=Entrepreneurs> entr epren< a href="">eurs< a>< a> lo oking< a href=""> to start thei r ow< a>n business. They ar< a href="">e ty< a>pically s tarted with < a href=""><a h< a>ref=Lim ited_Resou rces >limited< a> resource s<a>, and< a href=""> oft< a>en requ< a>ire the ow ner < a>to wear m any h ats.<< a href="">br><< a>br><a href=Small_ Busi nesses>Small bus ines ses<< a href="">a> a< a>re often t he f< a>irst step for <a href=>E ntrepreneu rs>< a>entrepren< a>eurs<a> looking to< a href=""> sta< a>rt their o wn b< a>usiness . They are typicall y st< a>arted with <a href=< a href="">Li< a>mited_Resources>li mited resources< a>, and often require < a href="">the < a>owner to w ear < a>many hats. <a href=Small _Bus iness< a href="">es>< a>Small bus inesses<a > ar< a>e often t he fi rs t ste p for <a href=Ent< a href="">repr< a>eneurs>entreprene urs<