<a h< a>ref=Volatility>V olat ility< a href=""><a>< a> <a href= Ind ex>Index< a><a> is a me< a>asure of the e xpect< a href="">ed << a>a href=V olat ility< a href="">>vo< a>latility<a> of < a>a financial instrum ent < a>over a gi ven t ime perio< a>d. It is c< a href="">alcu< a>lated by taking the w< a href="">eigh< a>ted average of the impl< a>ied volat ilities of< a href=""> a wide< a href=""> ran< a>ge of <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Options>options< a> < a>on the un derlying a< a href="">sset< a>.
<a h< a>ref=Volatility>V olat ility< a href=""><a>< a> <a href= Ind ex>Index< a><a>, o r VIX , is an < a hre f=Ašndex< a>>index< a> cr eated< a href=""> by the Chicag o Bo< a>ar< a>d <a href =Op tions< a href="">>Op< a>tions<a> Exchange < a href="">(<a < a>href=CB OE>C BOE<< a href="">a> ) to measure the ma< a href="">rket< a>