No n< a>ames are mentioned < a href="">in t< a>he given t ext, so it is not < a>possible to answer the questio n.
No c< a>omma-sepa< a>rated str ing o f persona< a>l names is pre< a>sent in t he gi ve n text. This means < a href="">that< a> the text does not contain any na< a href="">mes < a>of people, either sin gula rly or in a li st. This could be b< a href="">ecau< a>se the te xt is n< a>ot about any p artic< a href="">ular< a> person o r gro up of people, or be< a href="">caus< a>e the autho< a>r has chos en n< a>ot to inc lude any names< a> in the te< a href="">xt. < a>It could also be beca< a href="">use < a>the text i s a < a>general o verview of< a href=""> a topic, rath er tha< a>n a speci fic s tory abou< a>t a person or < a>group of p eopl e. In any c ase, the lack of pe< a href="">rson< a>al names in th e text indicates th at t< a>he focus is on t he topic at hand, r< a href="">athe< a>r than on any < a>particula< a>r individ ual or < a>group.