Veri fiabl< a href="">e is< a> a term us< a href="">ed t< a>o describ e inf ormat< a href="">ion < a>that can b e pr< a>ov en to be true or accura< a>te. It is < a href="">ofte< a>n used to refe r to data that has been checke d an< a>d verified by a reliabl< a>e source.

Veri fiabl< a href="">e is< a> a secure, dis< a>tributed ledger tec hnol ogy (<a href=D< a>LT>DLT<a>) <a hre< a href="">f=< a>Platform >platform< a> < a>that enables organi zations to < a>securely store and shar< a>e data. It is < a>designed to pr ovide< a href=""> a secure, <a hr< a href="">ef=< a><a href= Imm utabl< a href="">e>I< a>mmutable<a>><a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Immuta< a>ble>immu table<a>< a>, and <a h ref= Tran< a href="">spar< a>ent>transparent<a> record of < a href="">tran< a>sactions and data. < a href="">Veri< a>fiable is built on a dist< a>ributed l edger tech< a href="">nolo< a>gy (<a hr ef= DLT>DLT<< a>a>) <a hr ef=< a>Platfo rm>platf< a>orm<a> t hat i s designe< a>d to provi de a< a> secure, <a hr ef=<a hre f=I mmuta< a href="">ble< a>>Immutable<a>><a < a href="">href< a>=Immutable>immut able <a><a>, and <a href< a>=Transp arent>tra< a href="">nspa< a>rent<a> record of < a href="">tran< a>saction< a>s and data .<br ><br>< a href="">Veri< a>fiable is a se cure,< a href=""> dis< a>tributed ledger technology (<a< a> href=D LT>D LT<a< a href="">>) << a>a href=P latf orm>plat< a>form<a> that ena< a href="">bles< a> organizations to s< a href="">ecur< a>ely store and share< a href=""> dat< a>a. It is des igne d to provide a secu< a href="">re, < a><a href= <a h< a>ref=Immutable>Im mutabl< a>e<a>><a href =Immuta< a>ble>immu table<a>< a>, and <a h ref= Transp< a>arent>tr ansparent< a> < a>record of transacti ons < a>and data. Verifia< a href="">ble < a>is built o n a < a>distributed ledger < a href="">tech< a>nology (<a href=D< a href="">LT>< a>DLT<a>) <a < a href="">href< a>=Platform>platfo rm< a> that is designed to < a>provide a secure, <a href=< a href=""><a< a> href=Im muta ble>Immu< a>table<a>><a href=< a href=""> Immut< a href="">able< a>>immutable<a><a >, an d <a =>href=Transpa rent >transpa< a>rent<a > rec ord of transaction s and data.<br< a>><br>Verifiable is < a href="">a se< a>cure, distribute d led ger techn< a>ology (<a href =DLT>DLT<a>) <a hre< a>f=< a href="">Pla< a>tform>platform<a > tha t enables< a> organiza tions to secur< a>ely sto< a>re and sha re d< a>ata. It i s des igned< a href=""> to provide a < a href="">secu< a>re, <a hr ef= <a href =Aš< a>mmutable>Immutabl e<a>><a href< a>=Immuta ble> immut< a href="">able< a><a><a >, an d <a =>href=Transpa rent >transpa< a>rent<a> record of tran< a>saction< a>s and data . Ve< a>rifiable is built o< a href="">n a distribut ed le dger tech< a>nol ogy < a>(<a href=DLT>DLT< a href=""><a>< a>) <a href =Pl atfor< a href="">m>p< a>latform<a> that is d< a>esigned to provide < a href="">a se< a>cure, <a h ref= <a =>href=Immutab le>< a>Ašm< a>mutable<a>><a hre< a href="">f=< a>Immutable>immutabl e<a ><a>< a href="">, an< a>d <a href= < a>Transpare< a>nt>trans parent<a> rec< a>ord of tr ansactions and< a> data.<br><br>Verifiable i s a < a>secure, d istributed led< a>ger technology (<a < a href="">href< a>=DLT>DLT<a>) <a h< a>ref=Platform>pla tfor m<a>< a href=""> tha< a>t enables orga niz< a href="">atio< a>ns to sec urely stor< a href="">e an< a>d share da ta. < a>It is des igned to provi< a>de< a> a secure , <a < a>href=<a href=Im< a href="">muta< a>ble>Immutable<a> ><a < a>href=< a>Immutable< a>>immutab le<a><a> , an< a>d <a href =Tr anspa< a href="">rent< a>>transparent<a> rec< a>ord of tr ansactions and< a> data. Ve rifiable i< a href="">s bu< a>ilt on a d< a href="">istrib< a>uted ledg er te chnol< a href="">ogy < a>(<a href= DLT >DLT<a>< a>) <a href= Pl< a>atform>platform <a> that is designed to pro< a>vide a se cure, <a href=< a> <a hr ef=Immu< a>table>Im mutable<a >><< a>a href= Immutable< a href="">>imm< a>utable< a><a>, a< a href="">nd << a>a href=T rans paren< a href="">t>t< a>ransparent<a> reco rd o< a>f trans< a>actions and data.<b r><b r>Ver< a href="">ifia< a>ble is a s ecur e, distri< a>buted led ger technology (< a hr< a>ef=DLT >DLT<a>) < a href=""><a h< a>ref=Pla tform>pla< a href="">tfor< a>m<a> that enable s or< a>ganizatio< a>ns to secu rely store and share da< a href="">ta. < a>It is d< a>esigned to provide < a href="">a se< a>cure, <a h ref= <a =>href=Immutab le>< a>Immutable< a>>< a href=Immutable >imm utabl< a href="">e<a< a>><a>, and <a href=< a href="">< a>Transparent>transp aren t<a>< a href=""> rec< a>ord of tra nsac tions< a href=""> and< a> data. Ver ifiabl e is < a>built on a dis tribu< a href="">ted < a>ledger te chnology (< a href=""><a h< a>ref=DLT >DLT<< a>a>) <a hre f=< a>Platform>platform <a> that is designed to pro< a>vide a secure, <a< a href=""> hre< a>f=<a hre f=< a>Immutable< a>>Immutab le<a>><a< a href=""> hre< a>f=Imm< a>utable>i mmutable< a>< a>, and <a href=T< a href="">rans< a>parent>transpare nt< a> record< a> of transa ctio ns and data.<br><b r>Verifiab le i< a>s a sec ure, dist< a>ributed l edger tech< a href="">nolo< a>gy (<a hr ef= DLT>DLT<< a>a>) <a hr ef=P latform>p< a href="">latf< a>orm<a> that enable s or< a>ganizatio< a>ns to secu rely store and share < a href="">data< a>. It is de sign ed to provide a sec< a href="">ure,< a> <a href= < a hr< a>ef=Immutable>Imm utab le<a< a href="">>><< a>a href=I mmut able>imm< a>utable< a>< a>, and <a href=T< a href="">rans< a>parent>transparen t<a> reco< a href="">rd o< a>f trans< a>actions a nd da ta. Verif< a>iable is b uilt on a dis t