Expe rient< a href="">ial < a>is a type < a href="">of << a>a href=L earn ing>lear< a>ning<a> that invol< a href="">ves < a>direct ex perience a< a href="">nd a< a>ctive par ticipation . It< a> is a hand s-on approach< a> to <a hre< a href="">f=< a>Learning >learning< a> < a>that encourages exp lora tion,< a href=""> dis< a>covery, a nd pr oblem< a href="">-sol< a>ving.

Expe rient< a href="">ial < a><a href= Lear ning>lea< a>rning<a> is a type of <a hr ef=Lear< a>ning>lea rning<a> < a href="">that< a> is based on e< a>xperience< a> and is fo< a href="">cuse< a>d on the p roce ss of <a href=Lea< a href="">rnin< a>g>learning<a> thr ough <a href=Doing>d< a href="">oing< a><a>. It is a < a>form of < a hre f=Learn< a>ing>lear ning<a> t< a href="">hat < a>is based o n th< a>e idea th at th e best way to learn< a href=""> is through di rect experien< a>ce. Exper iential <a< a href=""> hre< a>f=Learn ing> learn< a href="">ing<< a>a> is a p roce ss of <a href=Lea< a href="">rnin< a>g>learning<a> tha t in< a>volves actively eng agin g in an e xperience, <a < a>href=Re flecting_O n_Th e_Exp< a href="">erie< a>nce>reflecting on < a href="">the < a>experience<a>, and the< a>n applying the know< a href="">ledg< a>e gained from the exper< a>ience to f utur e situati< a>ons.<br><br>Experi ential <a href< a>=Learni ng>l earni< a href="">ng<< a>a> is a ty pe o< a>f <a href =Le arnin< a href="">g>l< a>earning<a> that is< a href=""> bas< a>ed on the < a href="">idea< a> that the best way to l earn is throug< a>h <a href= Di< a>rect_Expe< a>rience._It_Is_A_Pr ocess_Of_< a hr< a>ef=Learning>Lear ning <a>_< a href="">That< a>_Involves< a>_Actively_Engaging _In_An_Exp erie nce>dire< a>ct experi ence. It is a process of< a href=""> <a href=Lea rnin g>learni< a>ng<a> th at in volve< a href="">s ac< a>tively en gaging in an experience <a>, <a href=< a>Reflect ing_On_The _Exp erien< a href="">ce>< a>reflecting on the exper< a>ience<a>, and then< a href=""> app< a>lying the know ledge< a href=""> gai< a>ned from t he e< a>xperience< a> to future sit< a>uations. Experient ial < a href=Learning> lear ning<< a href="">a> < a>is a type < a href="">of << a>a href=L earn ing>lear< a>ning<a> that is based on the ide< a href="">a th< a>at the bes t wa< a>y to lear n is < a>through <a href=D< a href="">irec< a>t_Experie< a>nce._It_Is_A_Proce ss_Of_<a h< a href="">ref=< a>Learning>Learnin g<a >_Tha< a href="">t_In< a>volves_Ac< a>tively_Engaging_In _An_Experi ence >direct experienc e. It is a pro cess of <a href=Learni ng>< a>learning<< a>a> that i nvol ves activ< a>ely engag ing i n an experience<a >, <a href=Reflecting _On_The_Ex peri ence>ref< a>lecting o n the experien< a>ce<a>, a nd th en applyi< a>ng the kno wled ge gained< a> from the < a href="">expe< a>rience to future si< a href="">tuat< a>ions.<br>< a><br>Experiential <a hre< a>f=Learning>learn ing< a> is a type of <a href=Learni ng>< a>learning<< a>a> that i s ba< a>sed on th e ide a that the best way< a href=""> to learn is t< a href="">hrou< a>gh <a hre f=D irect< a href="">_Exp< a>erience._< a>It_Is_A_Process_Of _<a h ref=Lea< a>rning>Le arning<a> _Tha t_Inv< a href="">olve< a>s_Activel< a>y_Engaging_In_An_E xperience< a href="">>dir< a>ect experience. It < a href="">is a< a> process o f <a< a> href=L earning>l< a href="">earn< a>ing<a> that involv es a< a>ctively engaging in an < a>experience<a>, <a < a href="">href< a>=Reflecting_On_T he_Experie nce< a>>reflecti< a>ng on the < a href="">expe< a>rience<a< a>>, and the n ap< a>plying the knowledg e ga< a>ined from the exper< a href="">ienc< a>e to futu re si tuati< a href="">ons.< a> Experiential <a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Learning>learning <a> is a typ e of < a><a href= Learning< a href="">>lea< a>rning<a>< a> that is b< a href="">ased< a> on the id ea t< a>hat the b est w ay to learn is thro< a href="">ugh < a><a href= Dire ct_Ex< a href="">peri< a>ence._It_< a>Is_A_Process_Of_<a href =Learni< a>ng>Learn ing<a>_Th at_I nvolv< a href="">es_A< a>ctively_E< a>ngaging_In_An_Expe rience>di< a href="">rect< a> experience. It is a process of << a href="">a hr< a>ef=Lear ning >lear< a href="">ning< a><a> =>that involves < a href="">acti< a>vely engaging in an< a href=""> exp< a>erience<a>, <a hre< a href="">f=< a>Reflecting_On_The_ Experience >re< a>flecting on the exp< a href="">erie< a>nce<a>, and then a< a href="">pply< a>ing the k nowledge g< a href="">aine< a>d from th e exp erien< a href="">ce t< a>o future s itua tions< a href="">.<br< a>><br>Expe< a>riential <a hr ef=Lear< a>ning>lea rning<a> < a href="">is a< a> type of << a href="">a hr< a>ef=Lear ning >lear< a href="">ning< a><a> =>that is b ased on the idea th< a href="">at t< a>he best wa y to< a> learn is thro ugh <a href=Direc t_Ex perie< a href="">nce.< a>_It_Is_A_< a>Process_Of_<a href= Le< a>arning>Learning< a>_That_In volv es_Ac< a href="">tive< a>ly_Engagi< a>ng_In_An_Experienc e>di rect expe< a>rience. I t is < a>a process of < a href=Learning> lear ning<< a href="">a> < a>that invo lves activ< a href="">ely < a>engaging in an experien< a>ce<a>, < a hre f=Refle< a>cting_On_The_Exper ience>ref< a href="">lect< a>ing on th e exp erien< a href="">ce<< a>a>, and t hen a pplyi< a href="">ng t< a>he knowle dge g ained< a href=""> fro< a>m the expe rien ce to future situat ions . Experie< a>ntial <a h ref= Learnin< a>g>learni ng<a> is a type of <a href=< a>Learnin g>le arnin< a href="">g<a< a>> that is base d on the idea that the best way t< a href="">o le< a>arn is thr ough <a href=Direct_E xper ience< a href="">._It< a>_Ašs_A_Pro< a>cess_Of_<a href=L< a href="">earn< a>ing>Learning<a>_ That_Invol ves_ Activ< a href="">ely_< a>Engaging_< a>In_An_Experience>d irec t experie< a>nce. It is a p< a>rocess of <a h< a>ref=Learning>