<a h< a>ref=Private_<a hr ef=< a>Equity>Equity<a >_Capital< a href="">>Pri< a>vate <a href =Equity< a>>equity< a> c apita< a href="">l<a< a>> is a typ e of< a> investment capi< a>tal that is no t publicl< a>y traded a nd i< a>s typically provide d by< a> private investors or inv< a>estment firms. It i< a href="">s us< a>ed to acqu ire < a>or invest in< a href=""> com< a>panies th at ar e not publicly trad ed.

<a h< a>ref=Private_<a hr ef=< a>Equity>Equity<a >_Capital< a href="">>Pri< a>vate <a href =Equity< a>>equity< a> c apita< a href="">l<a< a>> is a for m of< a> investment capi< a>tal that is no t publicl< a>y traded o n th< a>e stock m arket. It is typically provided by < a href="">priv< a>ate investors, such as < a>venture c apitalists , pr< a>iva< a href="">te << a>a href=E quit y>equity< a><a> firm s, an d angel investors, to f< a>inance the g< a href="">rowt< a>h and exp ansion of a company. <a < a href="">href< a>=Private_<a href=< a href="">Equi< a>ty>Equity<a>_Cap ital >Priv< a href="">ate < a><a href= Equi ty>equit< a>y<a> ca< a href="">pita< a>l<a> is typically < a href="">used< a> to fund t he p< a>urchase of a c ompan< a href="">y, to finance a comp< a>any