<a h< a>ref=Regression>R egre ssion< a href=""><a>< a> is a <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Statistical>stat isti cal<< a href="">a> t< a>echnique used to predic< a>t a contin uous outcome variable f rom < a>a set of p redi ctor vari< a>ables. It is u< a>sed to id entify the< a href=""> rel< a>ationship between v< a href="">aria< a>bles and to fo recas< a href="">t fu< a>ture outc omes.

<a h< a>ref=Regression>R egre ssion< a href=""><a>< a> is a <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Statistical>stat isti cal<< a href="">a> t< a>echnique used to analyz< a>e the rela tion ship betw< a>een a <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Dependent_Variab le>d epend< a href="">ent < a>variable<a> and on< a href="">e or< a> more in<a hre< a>f=Dependent_Vari able >depe< a href="">nden< a>t variable<a>s. It is < a>used to pr edic t the value of the <a href=Depe nden t_Var< a href="">iabl< a>e>dependent variab le< a> based on the val< a href="">ues < a>of the in< a hr< a>ef=Dependent_Var iable>dep< a href="">ende< a>nt variable<a>s.< br><br><a < a href="">href< a>=Regression>Regr essi on<a< a href="">> is< a> used to i< a href="">dent< a>ify the s trength of< a href=""> the< a> relation ship betwe< a href="">en t< a>he depend ent a nd in<a href=Depe nden t_Var< a href="">iabl< a>e>dependent variab le< a>s. It is also use< a href="">d to< a> identify the < a>direction< a> of the re< a href="">lati< a>onship, whether it < a href="">is p< a>ositive o r neg ative< a href="">.<br< a>><br><a href=Regr essi on>Regre< a>ssion<a> can be used to identify the< a> impact o f one or more in<a href=< a href="">De< a>pendent_Variable>d epen dent vari< a>able<a>s on t he <a href=Depend ent_ Varia< a href="">ble< a>>dependent variable <a> . Ašt can also be used to identify the< a> effect o f a c< a>hange in one o r more in<a href=< a href="">Depe< a>ndent_Var< a>iable>de pendent va< a href="">riab< a>le<a>s on the <a href=< a>Depende nt_Variabl e>d< a>ependent variable< a>.<br><b r><a href=Regression >Reg ressi< a href="">on<< a>a> can be used to identify the mo< a href="">st i< a>mportant in<a href=< a href="">De< a>pendent_Variable>d epen dent vari< a>able<a>s that have< a href=""> the< a> greatest impa ct on the <a h ref=Dep< a>endent_Variable>de pend ent varia< a>ble<a>. It ca n also be used to ident< a>ify the mo st i< a>nfluentia< a>l in<a hre f=< a>Dependent< a>_Variable>dependen t va< a>riable<a< a>>s that ha ve t< a>he greatest impact < a href="">on t< a>he <a href =D< a>ependent_< a>Variable >dependent var< a>iable<a>< a>.<br><br><a href=< a href="">Regr< a>ession>Regression <a> can be used to iden< a href="">tify< a> the most impo rtant< a href=""> in<< a>a href=D epen dent_< a href="">Vari< a>able>dependent var iabl e<a>< a href="">s th< a>at have th e gr< a>eatest impact on th< a href="">e <a< a> href=De pend ent_V< a href="">aria< a>ble>dependent vari able <a>.< a href=""> It can also b< a href="">e us< a>ed to iden tify the most influenti al i< a>n<a href=Dependen t_Va riabl< a href="">e>d< a>ependent variable< a>s < a>that have the great< a href="">est < a>impact on the < a><a href= Dependent _Var iable< a href="">>de< a>pendent v ariable<a >.<b r><br< a href="">><a < a>href=Re gression>< a href="">Regr< a>ession<a< a>> can be u< a href="">sed < a>to identi fy th e most important in <a h< a>ref=Dependent_Va riable>de< a href="">pend< a>ent variable<a>s t hat < a>have the greatest i< a href="">mpac< a>t on the < a hr< a>ef=Dependent_Var iable>dep< a href="">ende< a>nt variable<a>. It can< a> also be u sed < a>to identify the mos< a href="">t in< a>fluential in<a href< a href="">=D< a>ependent_Variable> depe ndent< a href=""> var< a>iable<a>s that hav< a href="">e th< a>e greates t imp act on the <a href=< a href="">De< a>pendent_Variable>d epen dent vari< a>able<a>.<br><br>< a hre f=Regre< a>ssion>Re gression< a> c< a>an also b e use d to identify the m< a href="">ost < a>important in<a href< a href="">=D< a>ependent_Variable> depe ndent< a href=""> var< a>iable<a>s that hav< a href="">e th< a>e greates t imp act on the <a href=< a href="">De< a>pendent_Variable>d epen dent vari< a>able<a>. It c an also be used to iden< a>tify the m ost < a>influenti< a>al in<a hr ef=< a>Dependen< a>t_Variable>depende nt v< a>ariable<< a>a>s that h ave < a>the greatest impact on < a>the <a hre f=< a>Dependent< a>_Variable>dependen t va< a>riable<a< a>>.<br><br><a href=< a href="">Reg< a>ression>Regressio n<a> can also< a> be used t< a href="">o id< a>entify th e mos t importa< a>nt in<a hr ef=< a>Dependen< a>t_Variable>depende nt v< a>ariable<< a>a>s that h ave < a>the greatest impact on < a>the <a hre f=< a>Dependent< a>_Variable>dependen t va< a>riable<a< a>>. It can < a href="">also< a> be used t o id< a>entify the most inf< a href="">luen< a>tial in<a href=De< a href="">pend< a>ent_Varia< a>ble>depe ndent vari< a href="">able< a><a>s that have the< a href=""> gre< a>atest imp act o n the <a href=Dep< a href="">ende< a>nt_Variab< a>le>depen dent varia< a href="">ble<< a>a>.<br><< a>br><a hre f=R egres< a href="">sion< a>>Regression<a> ca n al< a>so be use d to < a>identify the most i< a href="">mpor< a>tant in<a href=De< a href="">pend< a>ent_Varia< a>ble>depe ndent vari< a href="">able< a><a>s that have the< a href=""> gre< a>atest imp act o n the <a href=Dep< a href="">ende< a>nt_Variab< a>le>depen dent varia< a href="">ble<< a>a>. =>It c an al so be used to ident< a href="">ify < a>the most i nflu entia< a href="">l in< a><a href= Depe ndent< a href="">_Var< a>iable>dependent va riab le<a< a href="">>s t< a>hat have t he g< a>reatest impact on t< a href="">he << a>a href=D epen dent_< a href="">Vari< a>able>dependent var iabl e<a>< a href="">.<br< a>><br><a href=Regr essi on>Regre< a>ssion<a> can also be used to ide< a href="">ntif< a>y the mos t imp ortan< a href="">t in< a><a href= Depe ndent< a href="">_Var< a>iable