Risk <a href=Analysis >an< a>alysis<a< a>> is the << a href="">a hr< a>ef=Proc ess> pr ocess<a> < a href="">of << a>a href=I dent ifyin< a href="">g>i< a>dentifying<a> and < a href=""><a h< a>ref=A< a>ssessing >assessing <a> potentia< a>l risks to an < a>organization, proje ct, or < a href="">acti< a>vity, and then deve< a href="">lopi< a>ng strategies to mi< a href="">nimi< a>ze or eli minate those risk s. Aš< a>t is a sys tema tic appro< a>ach to und erst andin< a href="">g th< a>e potential risk s associa< a>ted with a giv< a>en situation and ta< a href="">king< a> steps to re duce or eliminate them.

Risk <a href=Analysis >an< a>alysis<a< a>> is a <a href< a>=Proces s>pr oc ess<a> us< a href="">ed t< a>o identif y, as sess,< a href=""> and< a> manage po tent ial risks< a> and opportu niti es associ< a>ated with a gi< a>ven project or acti< a href="">vity< a>. It is a < a href="">system< a>atic appr oach to unders< a>tanding t he po tenti< a href="">al r< a>isks and r ewar ds asso ciate< a href="">d wi< a>th a given pro< a>ject or a ctivity. R< a href="">isk < a><a href= Anal ys is>analy< a>sis<a> i s use d to identify, asse ss, < a>and manage potentia l risk< a>s and oppo rtun ities< a href=""> ass< a>ociated w ith a given project or a< a href="">ctiv< a>ity< a href="">. It< a> is a syst< a href="">emat< a>ic approach to unde< a href="">rsta< a>nding the potential ris< a>ks< a> and rewa rds a ssoci< a href="">ated< a> with a gi ven < a>project or activity .<br ><br>< a href="">Risk <a href=A< a href="">naly< a>sis>analysis<a> i s a < a><a href= Proc ess>proc< a>ess<a>< a> that invo lves <a href=Identify ing< a>>identify< a>ing<a>, <a hr ef=Assessing>a sses sing<< a href="">a>,< a> and mana ging poten< a href="">tial< a> risks an d opp or tunities a< a href="">ssoc< a>iated with a g iven proj< a>ect or act ivit y. It is a sys tematic app< a>roach to understand ing < a>the potential risks and< a> rewards associa< a>ted with a giv< a>en project or activ< a href="">ity.< a> Risk <a h ref= Analysi< a>s>< a href="">anal< a>ysis<a> is used to< a href=""> ide< a>ntify, as sess, and mana< a>ge potent ial r is< a>ks and op portunitie s as< a>sociated with a giv< a href="">en p< a>roject or acti vity.< a href=""> It is a sy stema< a href="">tic < a>approach to un derst< a href="">andi< a>ng the po tential ri< a href="">sks < a>and< a href=""> rew< a>ards asso ciated wit< a href="">h a given proj ect < a>or activity.<br><b r>Risk < a><a href= Analysis< a href="">>ana< a>lysis<a>< a> is a <a href=< a>Process >pro cess<< a href="">a > that involves <a < a href="">href< a>=Identifying>ide ntif ying<< a href="">a>,< a> <a href= Asses sing >asse< a href="">ssin< a>g<a>, and managing pot< a>ential risks and op< a href="">port< a>unities< a> associat ed wi th a given project < a href="">or a< a>ctivity. It is a systemat ic ap proac< a href="">h to< a> understa nding the pote< a>ntial ris ks an d rewards< a> associated < a href="">with< a> a given p roje ct or activity. Ris k <a< a> href=A nalysis>a< a href="">nalysi< a>s<a> is u sed < a>to identify, assess , an< a>d manage potential < a href="">risk< a>s a< a href="">nd o< a>pportunities associ ated with a g iven proje< a href="">ct o< a>r activit y. It i< a>s a syste matic appr< a href="">oach< a> to under standing t< a href="">he p< a>otential risks and reward< a>s associa ted w ith a given project or < a>activity.<br><br>R isk < a h< a href="">ref=< a>Analysis>analysi s<a > is a <a href =Proces< a>s>proces s<a> th at i< a>nvolves <a href=Aš< a href="">dent< a>ifying>identifyin g<a>, <a href< a>=Assessing>ass essi ng<a< a href="">>, a< a>nd managi ng po tenti< a href="">al r< a>isks and o ppor tunit< a href="">ies ass< a href="">ocia< a>ted with a giv en projec< a>t or activ ity. It is a s yste matic< a href=""> appro< a>ach to und erst andin< a href="">g th< a>e potenti al ri sks and rewards ass ocia te d wit h a given project o< a href="">r ac< a>tivity. R isk < a href=Analysis> anal ys< a>is<a> is used to ident< a>ify, asse ss, a nd manage< a> potentia l ris ks and oppo< a>rtunities associate d wi< a>th a give n pro ject or activity. I t is< a> a < a href="">syst< a>ematic approach to < a href="">unde< a>rstanding< a> the poten tial risks and rewar< a>ds associated with < a href="">a gi< a>ven proje ct or activity< a>.<br><br>Risk <a hr< a href="">ef=Analysis>a naly sis<< a href="">a> i< a>s a <a hre< a href="">f=< a>Process> process<a > th< a>at invo< a>lves <a hr ef=< a>Identify< a>ing>iden tifying<a >, << a>a href= Assessing>assessing< a>, and manag< a>ing poten tial risks< a href=""> and< a> opportun ities a ssociated < a href="">with< a> a given p roje ct or activity. It < a href="">is a< a> systemat ic ap proach < a href="">to u< a>nderstanding the po< a href="">tent< a>ial risks and rewar< a href="">ds a< a>ssociated with a given pro< a href="">ject< a> or activ ity. Risk <a href=Anal ysis >analysi< a>s<< a href="">a> i< a>s used to < a href="">iden< a>tify, assess, and m< a href="">anag< a>e potential risks a< a href="">nd o< a>pp< a>ortunitie< a>s associa ted w ith a given project or < a>activity. It i s a systema< a>tic appro ach t o underst< a>anding th e pot entia< a href="">l ri< a>sks and re ward s a< a href="">ssoc< a>iated with a g iven proj< a>ect or act ivit y.<br< a href="">><br< a>>Risk <a href=< a>Analysis >analysis< a> < a>is a <a hr ef=< a>Process>process< a> t hat inv olves< a href=""> <a href=Ide ntif ying>ide< a>ntifying<a>, <a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Assessing>asses sing <a>,< a href=""> and< a> managing pote ntial< a href=""> ris< a>ks and opp ortu nitie< a href="">s as< a>sociate< a>d with a g< a href="">iven< a> project or ac tivit< a href="">y. I< a>t is a sys< a href="">tema< a>tic approac h to < a>understan< a>ding the p oten tial risk< a>s and rewa rds < a>associate< a>d with a giv< a href="">en p< a>roject or acti vity.< a href=""> Ris< a>k <a href= An< a>alysis>analysis< a> is used to ide< a href="">ntif< a>y, assess, and mana< a href="">ge p< a>otential risks and oppo< a>rtu< a href="">niti< a>es associated with < a href="">a gi< a>ven proje ct or activity< a>. It is a syst< a>em< a>atic approach to un< a href="">ders< a>tanding the potenti al r< a>isks a