Self -dire< a href="">cted< a> learning is a process in which i< a href="">ndiv< a>iduals take the initi< a href="">ativ< a>e, with o r wit hout the help of ot< a href="">hers< a>, in diag nosing the< a href="">ir learning <a h< a href="">ref=< a>Needs> needs<a>, for< a>mulating learning g oals , ident< a>ifying hu man a nd materi< a>al <a href =R< a>esources>resource s<a> f or le arnin< a href="">g, c< a>hoosing a nd im pleme< a href="">ntin< a>g appropriate learn ing < a><a href=St< a href="">rate< a>gies>strategies< a>, a nd evalua< a>ting lear ning outco< a href="">mes.< a> It is a for m of active learnin g th< a>at is dri ven b y the learners own< a href=""> inter< a>ests and g oals .

Self -dire< a href="">cted< a> learning is a form of learning i< a href="">n wh< a>ich indiv iduals take the initiativ e, wi th or without the h< a href="">elp < a>of others , in < a>diagnosing their lear ning <a href=Needs>n< a href="">eeds< a><a>, formulating l earn ing goals, identi fyin g human and materia l <a< a> href=R esources>< a href="">reso< a>ur ces<a> fo< a href="">r le< a>arning, c hoosing an< a href="">d im< a>plementing appropri ate < a>learning <a href< a>=Strate gies >stra< a href="">tegi< a>es<a>, and evaluat ing < a>learning outcome< a>s. Self-d irected le< a href="">arni< a>ng is a pr oces s in which individu als < a>tak< a href="">e th< a>e initiat ive, with or without the hel< a>p of othe rs, i n diagnos< a>in< a>g their l earning <a< a href=""> hre< a>f=Needs >nee ds<a< a href="">>, f< a>ormulating learning goals , ide ntify< a href="">ing < a>human and mate rial <a href=Reso urce s>resour< a>ces<a>< a> for learn ing, choosing< a> and imple ment ing appro< a>priate le arning < a hr< a>ef=Strategies>st rate gies<< a href="">a>,< a> and eval uating lea< a href="">rnin< a>g outco< a>mes.<br><br>Self-d irected le< a href="">arni< a>ng is a pr oces s that is learner-c entered and invo< a href="">lves< a> the lear ner t aking< a href=""> res< a>ponsibility <a href< a href="">=F< a>or_Thei< a>r_Own_Learning._It _Ašs_A_Proc ess_ That_< a href="">Is_B< a>ased_On_T< a>he_Learner