Asse t Mainten< a>ance is th e pr< a>ocess of inspecting , cl< a>eaning, <a href=R< a href="">epai< a>r>repair<a>ing, a nd r< a>eplacing assets to < a href="">ensu< a>re they a re in good working condi tion and meet safety st< a href="">anda< a>rds. It i s an < a>important< a> part of a< a href="">sset< a> management and hel< a href="">ps t< a>o extend t he l< a>ife of as sets and reduc< a>e costs.

Asse t mainten< a>ance is th e pr< a>ocess of maintainin g an< a>d managing the phys< a href="">ical< a> assets o f an < a><a href= Organizat ion< a>>organiza< a>tion<a>. It i nvolv< a href="">es t< a>he inspec tion, <a href=< a>Repair> repa ir<a< a href="">>, a< a>nd <a href =R< a>eplacemen< a>t>replac ement<a> < a href="">of a< a>ssets to e nsur e that they are in good< a> working c ondi tion and are able t< a href="">o me< a>et the nee ds o< a>f the <a h ref= Organiz< a>ation>or ganization <a> . Asset maintenanc e is < a>an important part o< a href="">f an< a>y <a href= Or< a>ganizatio< a>n>organi zation<a>