Unit y is a cr oss-platfo rm << a>a href= Game_Engin e>g< a>ame engine<a> u< a>sed to dev elop video games for PC< a href="">, co< a>nsoles, m obile devi< a href="">ces < a>and websites. It is a powerful engi ne t< a>hat provides a rich< a href=""> set< a> of featur es to create hig< a href="">h-qu< a>ality 3D and 2 D games.

Unit y is a cr oss-platfo rm << a>a href= Game_Engin e>g< a>ame engine<a> d< a>eveloped by Un ity Techn< a>ologies. It is used to create vid< a href="">eo g< a>ames, simulations, an d ot< a>her <a hr ef= Inter< a href="">acti< a>ve>interactive<a > 3D < a>and 2D content. Aš< a href="">t is< a> the most < a href="">wide< a>ly used < a hre f=Game_< a>Engine>g ame< a href=""> eng< a>ine<a> i n the world, and is used< a href=""> by a variety < a href="">of d< a>evelopers, < a>including< a> independ ent d evelo< a href="">pers< a>, small s tudios, an< a href="">d la< a>rge compa nies.<b< a>r><br>Unity is a powerf< a>ul and ver sati le <a href=Game_E ngin e>game< a> engine< a> th at allows< a> develope rs to create games for a< a href=""> var< a>iety of plat< a href="">form< a>s, including PC, Ma< a href="">c, i< a>OS, Andro id, X box, Play< a>Station, and mor< a>e. It is a com< a>plete game <a href=< a href="">De< a>velopment>developm ent<a< a>> platfor m, wi th a wide range of feat< a>ures and t ools that make i t ea< a>sy to cre ate h igh-q< a href="">uali< a>ty games. Unity is also< a> highly <a hre< a>f= Extensi< a>ble>exte nsible<a> , al< a>lowing developers t o cr< a>eate custom tools and plug< a href="">ins < a>to extend the < a>engine