<a h< a>ref=Low_Risk>Low ris< a>k<a> is a ter m used to describe < a href="">inve< a>st< a>ments tha t hav e a low p robability of < a>losing va lue. <a href=Low_Risk>L ow r< a>isk<a> investment s typ icall< a href="">y of< a>fer lower retu rns than higher risk inves tmen ts.

<a h< a>ref=Low_Risk>Low ris< a>k<a> is a ter m used to describe < a href="">a si< a>tu< a>ation or a ctiv ity that has a low prob< a>ability o f cau sing harm< a> or loss. I t is < a>often used in the conte< a>xt of inve stme nts, wher< a>e <a href= Low_< a>Risk>low risk <a> inve< a>stments a re th ose that are expect ed t< a>o provide a <a href=Stea dy_R eturn< a href="">>st< a>eady retu rn<a> wit< a href="">h mi< a>nimal << a>a href= Volatility >vo< a>latility<< a>a>. <a hr ef=< a>Low_Risk< a>>Low risk < a> invest< a>ments are typi cally< a href=""> con< a>sidered t o be < a>less risky than hig< a href="">her risk investm ents , such as stocks an< a href="">d bo< a>nds.<br><br><a href =L< a>ow_< a href="">Risk< a>>Low ris k<a> inve< a href="">stme< a>nts are t ypically t< a href="">hose< a> that are cons id< a>ered to be rel< a>atively safe and se< a href="">cure< a>. These i nvestments may< a> include go vernment b< a href="">onds< a>, certificates of d< a href="">epos< a>it (CDs), money mar< a href="">ket < a>account< a>s, and oth er f< a>ixed-inco< a>me invest ments. <a href< a>=Low_Ri sk>L ow risk <a> inve< a>stments a re ge neral< a href="">ly c< a>onsidered to b e less volatile than < a href="">high< a>er risk i nvestments , su< a>ch as sto cks a nd commod< a>ities. <a href=Low_Risk >Low risk<a>< a> investme nts a re <a href=Typica lly_ Used_By< a>_Investors_Who_Are _Looking_F or_A _Stea< a href="">dy_R< a>eturn_Wit< a>h_Minimal_Ri< a>sk>typic ally used by investors w ho a< a>re looking for a <a href=Steady_R etur n>steady< a> return< a> wi th <a href=Minima l_Ri sk>minim< a>al risk<a><a>. <br><br><a hre< a>f=Low_Risk>Low r< a href="">isk<< a>a> investments are typically c onsi dered< a href=""> to be less ri< a href="">sky < a>than high er ri sk invest< a>me nts, but they also tend < a href="">to p< a>rovide lo wer r eturn< a href="">s. << a>a href=L ow_R is k>Low risk<a> inv estm ents are <a href=< a href="">Typi< a>cally_Use< a>d_By_Investors_Who_Are_Lo oking_For_ A_St eady_< a href="">Retu< a>rn_With_M< a>inimal_Risk>typica lly used by inves< a href="">tors< a> who are l ooki ng for a <a hr ef=Stea< a>dy_Return>s tead y return<< a>a> with < a hr< a>ef=Minimal_Risk> mini mal risk<< a>a><a>< a>. <a href= Lo< a>w_Risk>Low risk<a > in< a>vestments< a> are <a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Typica lly_U< a href="">sed_< a>By_Invest< a>ors_Who_Are_Lookin g_For_A_St eady _Retu< a href="">rn_W< a>ith_Minimal_< a>Risk>typ ically use< a href="">d by< a> investor s who are looking for a <a href< a href="">=S< a>teady_Return>stead y re< a>turn<a> with <a hr< a href="">ef=< a>Minimal_Risk>mi nima l risk<a< a>><a>, bu t who are not looking fo< a href="">r hi< a>gh return s. <a h ref=Low< a>_Risk>Lo w ris k<a>< a href=""> inv< a>estments are < a href=Typically _Used_B y_Investor s_Wh o_Are< a href="">_Loo< a>king_For_< a>A_Steady_Return_Wi th_Minimal _Risk>typically used by investors who a< a href="">re l< a>ooking fo r a << a>a href= Ste ady_ Retur< a href="">n>s< a>teady ret urn<a> wi< a href="">th << a>a href=M inim al_Ri< a href="">sk>< a>minimal risk<a>< a>, but who are n ot lookin< a>g for high ret< a>urns.<br>< a><br><a href =Lo su_Ris< a href="">k>L< a>ow risk< a> in vestm< a href="">ents< a> are <a hr ef=< a>Typicall< a>y_Used_< a>By_Investors_Who_A re_Looking _For _A_St< a href="">eady< a>_Return_W< a>ith_Minimal_R< a href="">isk< a>>typically used by inve< a>stors who are < a>looking for a <a href=Steady_Ret urn> stead< a href="">y re< a>turn<a> with <a href=Minimal_ Risk >mini< a href="">ma< a>l risk<a><a>, but who< a> are not l ooki ng for high returns . <a< a> href=Low_Risk>Low ris< a>k<a> investments a re << a>a href= Typically_ Used _By_Inv< a>estors_Who_Are_Loo king_For_A _Ste ady_R< a href="">etur< a>n_With_Mi< a>nimal_Risk>t ypic ally used< a> by invest ors < a>who are l ooking for< a href=""> a <a href=S< a href="">tead< a>y_< a>Return>steady retu rn< a> with <a href=M< a href="">inim< a>al_Risk>minimal ri sk<a>< a>, but who are n ot lookin< a>g for high ret< a>urns. <a href=Low< a href="">_Risk>Low risk< a> < a>investmen< a>ts are <a < a href="">href< a>=Typically_Used_ By_Investors< a>_Who_Are_Looking_F or_A_Stead y_Re turn_< a href="">With< a>_Minimal_< a>Risk>typ ically used b< a href="">y in< a>vestors w ho ar e looking< a> for a <a href< a>=Steady _Return>ste< a href="">ady < a>return<a> with <a href< a>=Minima l_Risk>mi< a href="">nima< a>l risk<a><a>, but w ho are not looking < a href="">for < a>high retu rns. <a href=Low_Risk >Low risk<a> in vest ments< a href=""> are< a> <a href=< a href="">Typ< a>ically_Us< a>ed_By_Investors_W ho_A re_Lo< a href="">okin< a>g_For_A_S< a>teady_Return_With_ Minimal_Ri sk>< a>typically< a> us< a>ed by inv estors who< a href=""> are< a> looking f or a< a> <a href= Ste ady_R< a href="">etur< a>n>steady re turn <a> with< a> <a href=< a href="">Min< a>imal_Risk< a>>minimal risk <a><< a href="">a>,< a> but who are not look< a>ing for hi gh r< a>eturns.<b< a>r><br><a href=Low< a href="">_Ris< a>k>Low risk<a> i nves tment< a href="">s ar< a>e <a href= Ty< a>pically_U< a>sed_By_Investors_Who_Are_ Looking_Fo r_A_ Stead< a href="">y_Re< a>turn_With< a>_Minimal_Risk>typi call y used b< a href="">y in< a>vestors w ho ar e looking< a> for a <a href< a>=S